
What kind of rocket can go on space travel?

September 20, 2023 12:13 PM

What this article will tell you

A signle-stage space transportation vehicle (SSTO) is a reusable launch vehicle, and ISC is working to make it a reality. Compared to multistage rockets, SSTOS are highly reusable, leading to such benefits as reduced development and flight costs. This section describes the features of the SSTO and the technylogy required to realize it.

  • Single-stage space transporter SSTO is a repeatable rocket
  • To make it, you need a light airframe and a powerful engine!
Ms. Ai

He loves space and is interested in the aerospace field.

shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

Engineer in the aerospace field.


Ms. Ai

I've just started studying rocketry and I'm confused by a lot of difficult words. First of all, What is the SSTO for rockets that ISC is aiming for?


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

SSTO is an acronym for Single Stage To Orbit.


Ms. Ai

Single-stage space transporter...that's a bit difficult. I know what a space transporter is, but a single stage?


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

In rockets that are often launched, the part of the rocket that has completed its task is detached from the rocket midway, so that the unnecessary part is discarded and the rocket becomes lighter. But single-stage rockets do not do this.


Ms. Ai

I see, so you're saying you're not going to just throw it away, you're going to come back to it!


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

Yes, they are called multistage space transporters because there are multiple things that are detached, such as two or three stages, so those are called multistage space transporters.


Ms. Ai

But aren't rocket parts expensive? Making it lighter is important, but it also seems wasteful...


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

Sure, it's a waste to throw it away, but making it lighter is a top priority. For example, the part of the space shuttle that people come back from weighs about 78 tons. The weight at launch is about 2,000 tons, so you can see how heavy the fuel and unnecessary parts are.


Ms. Ai

That's how much difference there is! But it's also carrying a lot of fuel. I kinda understand why they lighten it up.


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

Yes, by making it lighter, the amount of fuel needed is also reduced.


Ms. Ai

Still, rocket parts seem expensive.


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

That's right - so if you can reuse the aircraft, the cost of development goes down. And the time it takes to build an aircraft can be reduced, so the cost per flight will also go down. If that happens, it means that space will become more accessible.


Ms. Ai

Still, why are multi-stage rockets the norm?


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

It comes down to many factors, including engine performance and fuel loading limitations. The details are derived from Tsiolkovsky's formula, but that is a story for another time. For example, it is sometimes necessary to incorporate new mechanisms for reusability, and structures that protect against heat during atmospheric entry are also necessary for reusable airframes.


Ms. Ai

Safety is important, too.


shisan (Japanese variety of sourdough produced from the white rice)

In addition, they must have a long life span if they are to be reused. It is no good if it is fragile. In summary, we need a high-performance engine and a light aircraft.


Ms. Ai

I see, that's the point. I think I understand a little more about rockets now!


Besides, what about landing? How safe is it for people to fly? And there are many, many problems that need to be solved...
We are trying to solve these problems and develop a rocket that can be used over and over again.
To address the issues mentioned above, we will create a new concept of airframe by using not only existing technologies, but also new technologies and the concept of Different fields.
For example, in the engine, we are considering the adoption of an air-addition system that takes in and utilizes the surrounding air, an altitude-compensating nozzle that allows the nozzle to be changed according to altitude, and a tripropellant system that maximizes combustion efficiency.
What kind of engine is that? How do you make it lighter? What are the new technologies...?
We plan to introduce these various topics in due course. Please look forward to it!